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We are solving a global problem by enriching America's farmland. Clean soil. Clean environment.
Agri-Sustainable. We Help Grow America. 

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Ah, the year 1997. You might remember it as the year that sludge, manure, and fertilizer were restricted to only spreading six months out of the year by the Department of Natural Resources. In response to the DNR, local officials and residents got together and talked about what they should do with the new rules from the DNR. Wanting to be sustainable, and environmentally friendly, residents came up with a solution that was both good for farmers and good for the environment. Farmers needed to have enough nutrients to enrich their soil and be in compliance with the DNR. 

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The solution? Local officials and residents built a new state-of-the-art facility that treated biosolids from wastewater, making it into fertilizer. The newly constructed West Central Wisconsin Biosolids Facility incorporated the latest and most advanced processes for getting the most out of wastewater biosolids. It was built as the West Central Wisconsin Biosolids Facility. Now we're just called West Central Biosolids, but we have the same goals and ambitions as before….Clean soil. Clean environment. Agri-Sustainable.

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